SquigSig Launches Successfully
Tribute Brand ODDS Squiggle Sweaters
17 New Squiggles Minted
Squiggles Raise $320,000 for Charity
SquigSig Makes Email Fun Again
Our mission is to contribute to building up the Squiggle and projects like SquigSig help push that mission forward.
We noticed more and more people using Squiggles in their email signatures. In the spirit of promoting Squiggle ownership, we built a way to verify/register your email to your Squiggle.
Since launching on June 1, 2023 we have received overwhelming support and excitement from Squiggle holders. We are closing in on 100 sign-ups 👀
Currently this tool is only for Squiggle holders, however we are working on an update that would enable DAO-Members to use DAO-owned Squiggles as their email signatures. Watch out for this coming soon!
Not using SquigSig yet? Registration is easy!
There are zero gas fees
SquigSig is 100% free to use (if you own a Squiggle)
Use delegate.cash and don’t connect a hardware wallet
Register: https://www.squiggledao.com/squigsig
Tribute Brand’s ODDS Squiggle Sweaters
Last week Tribute Brand launched ODDS Sweaters in collaboration with Chromie Squiggles (Snowfro) and Waste Yarn Project.
Each sweater is derived from the on-chain source code of a Chromie Squiggle.
With the physical sweater you also receive the ODD digital blueprint. Which is a pixel-style visual instruction for the production of the sweater.
Tribute Brand donated 2 Free mints for us to giveaway to DAO-Members and 1 to be held in the DAO Treasury. Did you miss the giveaway? Make sure you’re hanging out in discord to not miss our regular giveaways!
The Squiggle Class of June 2023 🎓🌈
Last week Snowfro minted 17 new Squiggles. He also mentioned in his Tweet:
“Expect a lot more mints over the coming weeks as we build up towards the last mint. I have some fun stuff planned for the remaining Squiggles which I’ll share soon.”
Total now 9,791/10,000.
Governance Proposals
Passed ✅
May and June 2023 Budget Approval
A breakdown of what the Treasury Squad is requesting from the DAO to fund operations.
Squiggle Market
Floor is up 5% this week to 11.3 ETH and volume has decreased, but still around what we consider healthy levels of 250 ETH. Despite the rise in prices, we remain around the 2% of the supply available for sale. This looks like a transition week, with the market consolidating the recent gains.
Read full update on Twitter
Squiggles in the Wild
Squiggle Media
Sotheby’s: Tracing the Roots: The History of Generative Art
Proof: Squiggles Raise $320K
Squiggle Tweets
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